11 Days of Reasons I am Thankful of This Military Life-Day 11

I have always enjoyed writing. I now get to write for others and share our life as a military family. All of that is because of these reasons I have written about during this series, 11 days of Reasons to be Thankful of This Military Life. Without this military life, I would have a much different way of writing, if writing at all.

Here is a recap of the reasons I am thankful for this military life and what I have had the opportunity to write about…

Without the military life, I would not have these topics to write.  I wouldn’t have the experiences to even relate to anyone with this lifestyle. I wouldn’t have the community of others similar to me to write to about this military life. The military life gives me my content to write, and audience to write to, and the opportunity to write with a passion. And for that, I am thankful for this military life and this opportunity to write to you!

Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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